3 Steps To Heal PTSD With Meditation | PTSD Meditation Guide And Walkthrough

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3 Steps To Heal PTSD With Meditation | PTSD Meditation Guide And Walkthrough


  1. What Is Meditation?
  2. How Does Meditation Affect The Brain?
  3. Isn’t Meditation Just For Hippies?
  4. How To Meditate – The 3 Steps
  5. How Often Should You Meditate?
  6. Free PTSD Meditation Resources
  7. Final Words
  8. Additional Resources


PTSD Meditation has transformed my life and literally millions of people around the world.

It’s given me focus, clarity, and peace from my PTSD when I thought it was impossible.

I didn’t go from zero to 100 overnight, but with consistent practice I was able to find calm in the chaos of my mind.

  • Are you unsure about trying meditation?
  • Are you a bit skeptical on whether or not it works?
  • Do you think meditation is just for hippies?

Well, today I’m going to answer all these questions and more…

Everything I’m going to show you is backed in science, and has been studied and analyzed from top medical researchers and professionals from around the world.

Are you ready to change your brain, your PTSD, and your life?

Great! Let’s get started 🙂


It’s not about dedicating your life to being a monk on a mountain top and it’s not about chanting spiritual hymns.

It’s actually something very simple.

Something that almost everyone overcomplicates…

It’s my job to make sure that you leave here today knowing exactly what meditation is, why it’s important, how to do it, and how to do it consistently over the course of years so you can reap the benefits not just for a few days, but for a lifetime.

Let’s start with a simple definition…

Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique, such as focusing their mind on a particular object, thought or activity, to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.

Getting a correct definition of what meditation is will help you understand why it’s so important. Let’s focus down on a few phrases in this definition so you can get a clearer understanding of what exactly PTSD meditation is.

Focusing Your Mind

So the primary “action” that you will be taking when you meditate is focusing your mind.

Now to understand this even further we have to look at what “focus” means.

Focus means that you concentrate on something without getting distracted.

The opposite of focus is distraction.

Eliminate distraction and you get focus.

So the central idea around PTSD meditation is “focus”.

You can focus on anything really, but the most common and most effective thing to focus on when meditating is your breath.

You focus on your breath to the exclusion of everything else, this is really the entire essence of PTSD meditation.

Now let’s look at another essential piece of the definition…

To achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.

So, you now know that the primary “aim” of PTSD meditation is to focus on something to the exclusion of everything else…

But, what is the outcome we are looking to achieve?

When we meditate the goal, or outcome, that we are looking to achieve is a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.

This is why we meditate, and why it’s important to you and to PTSD!

Now let’s look at how meditation actually changes and sculpts your brain!

(This is where it gets exciting)

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To understand how meditation affects the brain we first have to understand that the brain can actually change and grow.

The brain grows new neural networks through a process called neurogenesis.

Now, I’m not going to go into the science of it here, all you need to know is that neurogenesis means that your brain can create new neurons (what your brain is made of) and actually grow.

Just like a regular muscle, you brain can grow, get bigger, faster, and stronger the more you use it.

And just like going to the gym helps you build muscles, PTSD meditation helps you grow your brain power!

Now, why is this important?

Because there are a lot of people out there who tell you…

“PTSD changes and damages your brain…”

And okay… Yes I get your point, but that information is not helpful to me.

I want to know how to GROW my brain regardless of what it looks like now.

I want to be as healthy, strong, and mentally sharp as I possibly can…

I never really cared what my brain looked like, or whether or not it was “damaged”. I just wanted to know how to make it stronger.

Because the reality is that my brain is the way it is right in this moment.

If it’s “damaged”, then it’s damaged. That doesn’t really matter, I have to start wherever I am… And if someone says I’m starting with a “damaged” brain, then that’s where I’ll start.

It doesn’t matter.

The reason why I tell you this is because so many people get caught up on how PTSD damages your brain, when in reality it doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t matter because you are where you are. Period.

You have to start where you are.

Why worry about whether or not your brain is damaged?

The facts still remain the same.

Meditation has been proven to grow your brain.

So if you think you’re brain is damaged from PTSD, it doesn’t matter. Focus on what you can do to improve your situation regardless of what your situation is.

Focus on what you can do, not what you can’t do.

And meditation is something that everyone on this planet should be doing because…

Meditation enhances…

  • Self Awareness
  • Sense Of Peace And Clarity
  • Willpower & Self Control
  • Compassion
  • Focus
  • And SO much more

One of the most important things when recovering from PTSD is self awareness. Without it you’re pretty much out of luck.

The more awareness you can bring to your situation, your feelings, your internal conflict your problems, and your challenges… the faster you will be able to find out WHY all of this is happening and you’ll be able to find solutions to everything…

Without awareness you don’t even know a problem exists.

And if you don’t know why a problem exists then you can’t solve that problem.

PTSD meditation is essential to anyone who is looking to grow their brain, their awareness, their focus, and their inner peace.

This is why Meditation is so important for PTSD.



You’re not traveling to some different dimension when you meditate, you just have extreme focus. And there’s nothing magical about extreme focus.

Actually meditation is taking the world by storm.

Elementary schools are starting to teach meditation, and even top tier business people are meditating because of the benefits that it has on focus.

So, meditation isn’t just something for people with PTSD, it’s something for everyone, and it’s something you should carry with you for the rest of your life.

There are no limits to how far meditation can take you.

Now let’s dive into the step by step of how to meditate, and how to implement it into your life NOW.

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HOW do we do this thing called meditation?

Well, you actually already have everything that you need to start meditation today.

Right now.

It’s just a simple technique that a LOT of people like to overcomplicate.

Don’t take this and think…

“Oh, there has to be more, it CAN’T be THAT simple!”

But, it is. Lol. Literally.

You’ll find in life that most people like to overcomplicate things, and most people actually never get anything done.

You’ll see me quote this a lot, but one of my favorite Einstein quotes is this…

“Any fool can complicate things; it takes a genius to simplify them.”
Albert Einstein

Now, I’m no genius, but I like to take advice from them. Don’t you?

So let’s not complicate things today.

Action trumps everything. Take action on what you learn today, start growing your brain TODAY, and start making changes.

The only way things are going to change for you is if you take action on it. So, don’t take this article and be like… “Oh that was interesting” and just move on with your day.

Take the time to really understand what I’m telling you today, and really put effort into applying it, because everything I tell you has the potential to completely change your life if you let it.

And, without further ado, here’s what you need to DO…

Breath Focused PTSD Meditation – Step By Step

  • Step 1: Sit or lay down.

    If you’re sitting, sit with your feet flat on the ground, or cross legged.  Make sure to sit straight up…relaxed, but with good posture.

    If you’re laying down, lay with your feet falling away from your body and your hands laying down by your side.

    Try not to fidget, notice things like itches, but do your best not to engage them.
  • Step 2: Focus On Your Breath

    Close your eyes, or focus your eyes on a singular spot

    In your mind you say ‘inhale’ and ‘exhale’ as you breath to stay focused on the breath. After a few minutes you can drop saying this and just focus on the feeling, if you get lost in thought you can bring it back in to focus on saying ‘inhale’ and ‘exhale’

    Focus on your breath, and let your thoughts float by like clouds, observing them, but not giving them any attention.

    Do not judge yourself if you lose focus on your breath and engage with a thought, when you bring your mind back from these shifts and drifts is actually when your brain grows.

  • Step 3: Be aware of how your breath feels and how your mind wanders.

    Notice sensations in your breathing…

    The expansion of your lungs and the feeling of your clothing as your stomach expands, how the air feels flowing through your body, nose, and mouth, etc…

    Stay focused on your breath, but there is no need to change your breathing.

    **If you are experiencing stress or anxiety you can take deeper breath to calm yourself down until you feel relaxed taking normal breaths.

    Again, think the words ‘inhale’ and ‘exhale’ to refocus yourself if needed.

    The goal over time is to have your mind be still, like a pond with no ripples. Don’t expect to be able to do this right out the gate. There is no need to judge yourself, get frustrated, or angry…just allow everything to be as it is. It is not about success or failure. It is simply about doing.

    Mind wandering will happen, just remember that the goal is to notice where your mind has gone and gently bring it back to the breath.

Observe your thoughts, your mind might be going crazy with things. Let it go crazy, try not to engage it.

When you can separate yourself from your thoughts you can actually start to get amused by what’s happening.

You’re not your thoughts. You are the awareness behind the thoughts.


Congratulations! You now know how to meditate! Pretty easy right?

Okay, so you know the process right?

Now you need to start implementing it into your daily life.

Yes. I said daily.

To get the most benefits out of PTSD meditation (and really anything in life) you need to do it everyday.

You don’t get physically jacked overnight, and you don’t get mentally jacked overnight either. It takes times, and sometimes years.

Fall in love with the daily process of meditation and you will stay consistent over your lifetime.

It’s not about small quick improvements.

It’s about generating massive improvements over long periods of time.

That’s the only way you’ll get massive results… If you stay consistent over long periods of time.

So, this is why you want to build a daily habit around building that mental muscle through meditation.  

Here’s what I recommend… You’ll want to meditate 5 to 20 minutes every morning when you wake up. And if you can get another session right before bed that is best.

Meditation is the first thing I do when I wake up (after my morning coffee). Every morning I go into the same room, sit in the same chair, start at the same time every morning, and set an alarm on my phone for 20 minutes.

I don’t get up from that chair until the alarm goes off.

No matter how badly my mind is telling me to move, I just stay put.

Some days are easy and I fly through the 20 minutes, and other days it feels like I’m sitting there for twice as long.

It doesn’t matter, you want to start building that discipline and that mental muscle.

You are going to have to experiment with the time. If you’re new you might have to start at 5 minutes a day for a while… I started there.  Then you can gradually build your time up.

Either way don’t get discouraged!

Don’t expect to feel amazing after every session, but overtime you should find that your awareness, focus, clarity, and present moment awareness are increased.

So. Stay consistent.

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I want to take a moment to share a few resources that helped me along my journey with PTSD meditation.

Free Guided Mindfulness PTSD Meditation Downloads

If you’re looking for something to really help you build that awareness then check these meditations out.

These are free meditations that you can download and listen to. They are from the book “Mindfulness” by Mark Williams.

I’ve personally read Mark’s book and done these meditations.

They are really helpful with building that body awareness, and with relaxing you. In his book he recommends doing one of these meditations a day for 8 weeks.

You can view and download the meditations by clicking here.

Relax Melodies – Sleep Sounds (Mobile App) – PTSD Meditation

Relax Melodies is a free app that gives you an assortment of calming and peaceful sounds that you can mix together.

For example… You can mix bird sounds, with the ocean, and the sound of rain on a rooftop. You can change the volume of each sound and save sounds that you like.

There is also a feature that allows you to set a timer for how long you want the sounds to play before they fade out. This is an especially nice feature for you to time your medications while also listening to calming sounds in the background.

I highly recommend this app!

You can learn more about this app by clicking here.

There are other apps that you can try and experiment with. I personally liked these two resources above the best, which is why I recommend these.  But, I don’t like to become dependent on anything for my mediation. I don’t use anything except my breath and a timer, but you need to find what works best for you!


Here are a few parting words as you journey forth on your adventure called LIFE!

  • Listen to yourself

    Some people say that meditation actually stresses them out more when they do it. So, this is where I have to say… Listen to yourself.

    Don’t do anything that will hurt you, know your limits and what you can handle. I’m not telling anyone to put themselves in harms way.

    Meditation has a ton of benefits, but if you are in a place where you can’t meditate, then don’t meditate.

    Listen to yourself, but don’t let that stop you from trying meditation in the future. Maybe you just can’t meditate right now. But as you progress throughout your journey you will get to a place where you can start meditating.

  • Consistency Is Key

    Like I said before, meditation takes time. It’s like a muscle, just as you don’t get physically jacked overnight, you don’t get mentally jacked overnight either.

    This takes time and practice. That’s why you need to build a daily habit around meditating.

    Meditate between 5-20 minutes every morning, and if you can, do it right before bed too.

  • Don’t judge yourself

    When you’re bad at meditation, it’s actually good. When you find that your mind wanders away a lot it means that you’re getting better.

    This is because you are becoming more and more aware of your thought process.

    When you realize your mind has wandered celebrate! Because it means that you’ve become aware of a thought process that you had previously been oblivious to!

    So, don’t judge yourself. Celebrate the wins!


Building awareness is the first step to recovery, and meditation is one (if not the best) way to cultivate awareness.

But it’s just the first step.

If you found this article helpful along your journey you’re going to love this…

Want to learn how I fully recovered?

Want to learn how I healed my…

  • 15+ years of PTSD
  • Intense flashbacks that dominated 90% of my waking hours
  • Nightmares that consumed my nights
  • The crushing anxiety and “on edge” feeling
  • AND how I saved my relationship with the love of my life

I put together a FREE training showing you how I did it.

Ready to take the first step?

>> Click Here To Register For Your FREE Training Now <<

Make sure to click that link right now and grab a seat before the training is taken offline for good.

See you there!

– Kayleen

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